Exhibition “Over”
Grafik- & Informationsdesign

The students’ projects include publications of any sorts, books, posters, folders, etc. with the common theme of climate change.
In order to make the exhibition as authentic as possible, we decided to form a team of students from both the university in Japan, and Maryam Mehilba, representing the NDU students.
The tasks for the exhibition include: Logo, concept, posters and most importantly the exhibition catalogue, as main part of the Bachelor’s project.
The title “Over” stands in contrast to the title “Under”, which are both in use for the exhibition. The double concept implies the contrasts within the topic of climate change. “Over” stands for the present, “Is it already over?”, it’s what we can already feel happening. “Under” represents the uncertainties, the future, “What are we underestimating?”.
The visuals have been created in black and white, using only typography and language, which is both human made. The logo is a round shape made from words, set in a stencil typeface, thus creating an earth made from industrial, sterile shapes. The words are all related to climate issues, using over or under as a prefix. These words have also been used to classify each student’s work within the catalogue, splitting it into two chapters of “Over” and “Under”. Each student was asked to choose one of five words starting with either over or under, and describe why.