Dipl. Arch. Alistair Neil Harkess

‚If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.’– Sir Ken Robinson.
"This is a passionate and powerful call for radically different approaches to leadership, teaching and professional development to help us all to meet the extraordinary challenges of living and working in the 21st century. I deeply believe in this statement, and try throughout the 3 short years I have with my students, to install a belief in their own potential and (re)discover their real creative abilities. My philosophy for the BA Interior Architecture programme is based on a concern for human beings and the creation of interior settings which support human activities and values. After finishing, graduates should be able to think clearly and creatively, and be able to solve design problems in a professionally competent manner. Above all, the Interior Architecture education at the NDU will help the student to promote intellectual curiosity, to allow the graduate to develop as a person and as a designer throughout life."
Curriculum vitae
- Architekturstudium am South Bank Polytechnikum, London und an der Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art
- Projektarbeiten in London für Sir Philip Powell, Alan Colquhoun
und John Miller
- 1997 Büro-Gründung in St. Pölten.
- 2003 Oberösterreicher Holzbaupreis für Einfamilienhäuser
- seit 2000 Principal Lecturer und Course Director der Kingston University Degree Courses im New Design Centre, WIFI, St. Pölten
- seit 2005 Studiengangsleiter Innenarchitektur & 3-dimensionale Gestaltung