
Lunchtime Lecture am 23.05.2024 Biennale Urbana zum Thema: „Design with Empathy. A Festival Center in the making for St. Pölten“

Andrea Curtoni und Giulia Mazzorin in der Moderation von Neil Harkess

Tangente Festival Centris is a new public space to meet, exchange ideas, debate, celebrate and, perhaps, even to dream of other worlds together. The main guiding principles for its realization has been the ones of Participation and Hospitality. A collective process together with local actors to enable foster a future cultural infrastructure beyond the period of the Festival and a residency program to envision, construct and activate new environments. BiennaleUrbana curated and coordinated the overall process of transformation through the opening of new material and spatial narratives, the reactivation of lost memories and the activation of interactive spaces of estrangement. Inhabiting the site of construction has been the way to enter in a deep relation with the context and to enable the incredible transformative power emerging from a space in transition.

Wann: Donnerstag, 23.05.2024, 12.30-13:30

Wo: NDU Auditorium T 1.01

Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

CV Andrea Curtoni and Giulia Mazzorin

Architects, PhD in Urbanism at the IUAV University of Venice. Their research has focused on insurgent practices and the re-appropriation of urban spaces and their practice has been developed in several context in between art and architecture interventions in public spaces. They coordinated different urban intervention projects in Venice: Teatro Marinoni (2012-17), Esperienza Pepe (2016-19) Corte de l’Ogio (2022-). Co-flounders of Biennale Urbana (2014-) and Mutaforma (2022-). Professors and co-directors of Space And Design Strategies at Kunstuniversität Linz


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