Type: Academic vocational course
Duration: 2 semesters, part-time
Workload: 45 ECTS credits
Degree: Academically certified book designer
Course director: Uta Schneider
Type: Academic vocational course
Duration: 2 semesters, part-time
Workload: 45 ECTS credits
Degree: Academically certified book designer
Course director: Uta Schneider
You have an affinity for books? Are you interested in (graphic) design and visual aesthetics? You are not afraid of complex projects that require structured, interdisciplinary thinking? Then you already meet the basic requirements to engage yourself in book design - even if you have no previous experience in graphic and publication design. The modular vocational course at the NDU trains you to become an academic book designer in two semesters.
Book design and publication design demand knowledge in various disciplines: typography, typesetting and layout, media aesthetics and imagery, but also printing and bookbinding techniques. Above all, book designers need the ability of conceptual thinking and designing in order to coordinate content, structure and form - and last but not least, expertise in project management in order to implement publications efficiently.
In the vocational course »Book Design« at the NDU you will gain these skills and abilities. You will be trained by a team of renowned, award-winning book designers; Guest lecturers from various fields (design, publishing, photography, etc.) give you an additional insight into daily practice. Before you complete the two-semester course as an academically certified book designer, you realize your own book project - from conception to photo editing, typography and layout to printing and book binding.
If you do not have any previous knowledge in graphic design, you will acquire the basic skills during the first semester of the course in the compulsory introductory module »Introduction to Graphic Design.«
(If you have already completed a graphic design training, you do not need to attend the introductory module; also if you have a relevant professional qualification – for example in printing and publishing – you may also be given the opportunity to have individual modules taken into account).
During the course you will deal with developments in contemporary book design and learn the entire process of book production (conception, editing, design and production). In addition, you sharpen your visual competence, acquire knowledge of media aesthetics (especially in literature and fine art) and practice in conceptual design as well as in analogue hands-on techniques of book binding. Your design skills will be complemented by economic skills and project management skills (time and content management, budgeting, quality assurance and more).
As an academic certified book designer, you master the process of book production in all its facets: You can plan, conceive and design various publications and prepare them for production, as well as determine and monitor the production details. Thus, you are a sought expert in the publishing industry, for example for book and magazine publishers, in the field of art and culture (e.g. exhibition catalogues and publications in the museum and exhibition industry) as well as for PR or advertising agencies working in the field of corporate publishing. A career as an independent book designer is a further option open to you.
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