Course overview
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Duration of course: 6 semesters
Course load: 169 hours per semester, 180 ECTS points
Language of instruction: German (see also note below)
Final projects: theoretical bachelor degree thesis in 5th semester, practical bachelor’s project in 6th semester
Course director: Olivier Arcioli
Online Registration
€ 590,- per month or € 3.500,- per semester (WS 2024/25) plus annual CPI adjustment of up to 5% (each winter semester based on the previous year's January to December, rounded to the nearest ten).
Please also note, in addition to your tuition fees it is a compulsory requirement that all students pay their student union membership fee (“OH” Fees).
There are a number of options available to help you finance your studies at the New Design University. However, please note that most public grants require a prior three-year residence in Austria before applying. Further options are international and private scholarships and grants as well as student loans.
For Further details see Scholarships/Financing
In this course, all exams can be taken in English, all written papers can be submitted in English as well. However, a very good command of German is required, since you must be able to follow the discussions in class. We therefore strongly encourage candidates to enrol in an intensive German course prior to commencing their studies at the NDU.
Also, please note that proof of at least a B2 level in German is required for admission (if your English is at B2 or higher, you will still need the aforementioned German skills when attending classes).
For further information please contact our info line by phone or e-mail at +43 (0)2742 851 24180 or info@ndu.ac.at.
Applicants for the bachelor’s degree course in Graphic and information design require either proof of a higher education entrance qualification in the form of an AHS or BHS-Matura (A-levels) or exceptional artistic and creative aptitude.
Another entrance requirement is that applicants pass an entrance examination. The aim of this examination is to assess your artistic, creative aptitude. Applicants must present a portfolio of 15 to 20 works (drawings, photographs, projects, etc.) at this entrance examination. There are usually three dates to choose from (see Course registration).
Entrance exams for the year 2024/25 will be held on:
Entrance Exam #1: Sat, 27 Jan 2024
(Registration deadline: 20 Jan 2024)
Entrance exam #2: Sat, 06 June 2024
(Registration deadline: 01 June 2024)
Entrance Exam #3: Sat, 24 Aug 2024
(Registration deadline: 17 Aug 2024)
We'll be happy to advise you on the details: simply contact us by phone on +43 (0)2742 851 24180 or by e-mail at info(at)ndu.ac.at. Our course directors will also be happy to provide details at a personal meeting.