Interior Design & 3D Design

Course Content

Core course

Interior Design Studio I–VI (70 ECTS)
Introduction to Design Practice
Space and Recreation
Prototype, Object
Production, Presentation
Practical Bachelor’s Project

Principles of Artistic Design I–II (10 ECTS)
Methods of Perception and Design I–II
Drawing I–II
Form Workshop I–II

Workshop Support: CAD I–V (12 ECTS)

Materials Science I–V (10 ECTS)

Construction Materials I–V

Building Construction I–V (16 ECTS)
Structural Adaptation I–V
Introduction to Structural Systems I–II
Introduction to Building Physics I–II + Technical Adaptation I–II + Lighting Design
Ecology and Building Biology

Additional subjects

Art and cultural studies I–V (26 ECTS)
Business and law I–IV (16 ECTS)
Elective subjects (20 ECTS)


Do you have questions about a particular course? Would you like to get to know our staff - or find out what our students have to say about studying at the NDU? No problem! Our team will gladly answer your questions - either per mail, by phone or Skype, or in an individual appointment here at our university.

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Who's teaching at the NDU? Who are the "creative heads" in charge of guiding and running the University? What are the research subjects and areas of expertise of our professors and assistants? Here you'll find not only contact details but also short bios and portraits of the NDU Team.


We're always looking forward to visitors in person – but if you aren't around, now there's a great way of getting to know our University at at distance and experiencing the creative atmosphere 'by proxy'. You can start the 3D "Virtual Walk" in any recent Web browser.

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